Trump Turnberry Partnership Event

Join us for a special evening at Pitch, in partnership with Turnberry!

This exclusive Member’s only event will take place on the 18th of March from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Members Area at Pitch Wharf. Guests can enjoy nibbles, drinks, and a relaxed atmosphere while engaging in friendly golf games and competitions in the bays. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet and speak with some of the Trump Turnberry team!

Test your skills, compete for exclusive prizes, and connect with fellow members. Guests are welcome. Don’t miss out!

Exclusive Benefits and Fun for Everyone

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Pitch has something for everyone—whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just after a fun night of competitive socialising. Join the club for exclusive rates and benefits, making your regular visits even more rewarding.

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Pitch Golf Members area