Gary Munro

Gary Munro2
Gary Munro joined the team back in 2018 and has worked his way up to being our Director of Golf. He has exceptional technical knowledge of the game but most importantly can communicate this in a simple way. He will make sure you know exactly what you need to work on, why and how to monitor it to know you’re doing it correctly. He has been Bedfordshire County head coach since 2018 and an accredited Wedge Matrix short game coach. At the start of 2022 was announced in Golf Monthly as a UK Top 50 Golf Coach.
Gary Munro

Pitch Foresight Stats

Lowest 18
Low Front 9
Low back 9
Pitch League Position

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Our technology is the most advanced for indoor golfing in Europe. We have all the below available in every one of our five Academy bays.

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