Trey Niven

Pitch PGA Pro - Trey Niven 2

Who’s Trey?

fter turning professional in 2018 I have taken a deep dive into the world of golf coaching and not looked back.

My true passion lies within making golf more enjoyable through improved all round performance. Adding to my wealth of experience I am always looking to evolve as a coach to provide that added value for my customers.

Have a look around to find out more about myself, lesson plans, and what I’m currently getting up to day to day.

Trey’s coaching philosophy

My philosophy is based very much on the individual and improving the understanding of their own movement pattern. To produce certain ball flights for different types of golf shot, it is important to look at what match-ups we need to make with our principles to achieve this. Using the latest technology to measure and asses the golf swing and ball flight in detail we are now able to pin point elements to achieve our desired ball flight from the driver to the lob wedge.

Trey Niven top 50
Pitch PGA Pro - Trey Niven practice

Pitch Foresight Stats

Lowest 18
Low Front 9
Low back 9
Pitch League Position

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Learn to play with Trey Niven

Our technology is the most advanced for indoor golfing in Europe. We have all the below available in every one of our five Academy bays.

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